Seasonal Resonance Workshops

Two-hour offerings five times a year.

To resonate and align with the season and element Jennifer creates a welcoming wisdom circle each season using writing as a tool to access our experiences. The Gateless writing method serves our purpose well in this kind of setting. The power of the season invites resonance so we focus on the qualities and associations of the season. Can be adapted to an existing group. Contact Jennifer for information.

These concepts are fundamental to the ancient Chinese medicine. The practices of sharing and of listening to others cultivates the capacity to take in and observe. We savor the season together and share how we are affected and/or what we do to maintain balance.

Join the mailing list to hear about the next seasonal resonance workshop.


The Seasons and Elements

along with associated Emotion/Color/Power

UPCOMING WORKSHOPS-Join my mailing list to learn of program offerings. Send request to