At Your Door

I stand at your door and ring the bell. I don’t know you. I pause to look around while I wait. The sun shines through the clouds and I appreciate the breeze. Your name is on my list. I am here to share. With me are pieces of information about a candidate or two running for office. I will remind you to vote and tell you about the person. 

My country tis of thee sweet land of liberty…” At 8 I sang that song to myself through tears. “…Let freedom ring.” In some countries women can’t go out by themselves. In some countries they can’t drive. One hundred years ago in this country,  women couldn’t vote. That’s not so long ago. 

In our country, not so long ago, a woman could not have custody of her children even if her husband was abusive. Things change. Freedoms are built into our government. Now, women have the vote. It may not always feel like it, but the freedoms are there. It is up to us to stand, link arms and hold firm. Up to all of us. 

So I am at your door today to say “Hello” and to listen. I am here to share. If we disagree, so be it. If you lean in, I will too. If you aren’t sure, I will ask about your concerns. I want to know what matters to you. My life’s road led me here. At this moment there is nowhere else I would rather be.